Animation timeline

This timeline shows major developments in animation history that shaped the types of animation we know of today. Animation started off with just using light and images to create the illusion of movement. The magic lantern idea was when it first took the form of projection. There was a big change when the thaumatrope was introduced along with the theory of persistence of vision. Even though it is now discarded, it had a big influence as this showed a fluent illusion.  In 1880 the developed zoopraxiscopoe was considered the first film bridge. The first use on stop motion was humpty dumpty circus. Stop motion cut out and live photography was used in humorous phases of funny faces, at this time there was more experimental work being made. The process of animation was made easier and quicker in 1910 when Emily Cohl used cut out to save time for En Route. This is because it could be adjusted instead of completely re done. An important milestone for animation was when the same technique that Willis O'Brien used in The Lost World was used for the very famous King Kong.
Humorous phases of funny faces:
En route:


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